My Turn
Well my surgery is tomoroow at 12:00. Unlike the wise wls patients I have gottne nothing done at home. IT'S Not My FAULT!!... I have been at church all week painting the scenery for the Christmas Play. I work from 6:30am till 5:30 PM ....pick Jodie up from YMCA and head to church and stay till 10:30. But I am done, just in the nick (St. Nick) of time. WOA! I start the deicious Fleet Soda at 4:00...Ya'll know the rest. I am nervous but I am ignoring it. Guess I'd better go pack my bag. Does anyone know if NE Med in Concord has wireless?
Oh my I believe my brain is on overload!!
Girls Dust off that bench!

YAY MYRTIS!! You have been a busy girl! And hey.. I did not have the "nesting phase" before surgery either. :)
I would assume that NE has WiFi because they are part of CMC and both CMC-main and Mercy have WiFi. I would certainly think they all have it if two does. :)
Good luck! Do you have an angel?
Yey, it's your turn to be a LOSER!!!
It sounds like you sure have been busy, and doing it for the Lord is even better. I'll pray that veerything goes well and for a speedy recovery.... Keep us posted

Congratulations Myrtis! It's finally your turn! Wow, You are a worker! When is the Christmas play at church? Will you be back home and feeling well enough to see it or is someone going to video it for you. After you put in all that hard work on the scenery, you need to be able to see the play!
Good luck with you surgery! I'll be saying my prayers and mentioning you. In 16 more days, I'll be joining you on that Bench so go ahead and dust me off a spot too!